Trauma as Medicine Retreat
With Sarah Salter Kelly
July 24 - 28, 2025

Imagine this: You are standing on top of a mountain, with your feet firmly planted on the ground and your arms stretched up toward the sky. You feel completely connected to Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit. Every part of your body is in harmony with the land around you. You know that you are here for a reason, your life is filled with purpose, and all your experiences have meaning. You are actively shaping your own life and embodying your essence.
This is the intention of Trauma as Medicine.
During this retreat, you will engage in land-based teachings, circles, shamanic journeys, movement, meditation, and three plant medicine ceremonies. These activities aim to help you trust in your inherent resources for self-healing. Through hands-on practices that emphasize personal embodiment and self-inquiry, you will receive support in connecting with your sacred self. Please note that actual mountains may not be included.
Registration & Costs: Early bird price $1488 program fee plus room and board paid directly to the Sentinel on the following link. Please Fill out this registration form. It is a separate form from your registration at the Sentinel.
Note that this includes a intention setting intake session and an post ceremony integration session both on Zoom – 60 minutes each. Please book an intake session with me at this link (this is a separate cost of $120 which is paid through the link).
Plant Medicines:
Rainbow Serpent Lodge: The Rainbow Serpent Lodge was passed down to Sarah by her Spirit guide Thoth, the God of wisdom in the Egyptian pantheon in 2007. In this lodge, Sarah shares mushroom tea in a night ceremony. Participants are supported with channeled medicine songs and music, hands-on healing, tobacco cleanse, and other shamanic practices to guide their journey. This is excellent medicine for delving into the deeper aspects of our life’s journeys so we can integrate them with the light.
The intention of this lodge is to create a portal for the following:
– Communing with Source.
– Regulating the nervous system.
– Illuminating one’s true nature.
– Releasing old patterns.
– Addressing grief & trauma.
– Coming home to oneself & one’s body.
– Investigating internal contracted energy.
– Entering loving awareness – as referred to by Ram Dass.
– Experiencing presence.
Mushroom Day Ceremony: In this expereince we work with Grandmother Forest Medicine to support us in connecting with nature and opening to how we will integrate our medicine work in our day to day lives.
Hape: Hape is a tobacco snuff from the Amazon used to clear heavy energy, open the third eye, and ground.
Other processes:
– Self-inquiry: The practice of investigating who we are to raise our awareness, increase our understanding, and release old patterning. In our retreat, it is combined with shamanic journey & journal writing.
– Fire Ceremony: Working with the Spirit of Fire, you will learn a practice passed down through the Inca Medicine Wheel tradition for cleansing your being and asking for help.
– Ecstatic Dance: Free-flow improvisational movement allows the body to move to the rhythm within and without for release, empowerment, and healing.
– Shamanic Journey: The art of communing with Spirit through your own personal direct revelation – this practice enhances your intuition, increases psychic awareness, and instigates clarity in your healing experience.
– Integration Circle: Sarah has had the joy of facilitating circles for over 20 years. The practice of bringing your visions into our circle is an integral part of awakening. This is where you learn to be seen, to listen to the collective teachings in the group, and to use your voice – be heard – as you share your heart.
Basic Itinerary
July 24th:
4 – 6:00pm Arrive & get settled
6 – 7:00pm Supper
7:00 – 9:00pm Opening Circle
July 25th:
7:00 – 8:00am Movement
8 :00-9:30 am Breakfast
9:30 – 12:30pm Workshop teachings – Mandalas & Shamanic Journey
12:30 – 1:30pm Lunch
1:30 – 3:00pm Reflection time
3:00 – 5:00pm Workshop teachings – Mandalas & Hape Ceremony
6:00 – 11:00pm Rainbow Serpent Lodge Ceremony
July 26th:
7:00 – 8:00 Movement
8:00 – 9:00 Breakfast
9:00 – 12:30 Integration Circle
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 3:00 Reflection time
3:00 – 6:00 Ecstatic dance & Dyads
July 27th:
7:00 – 8:00 movement
8:00 – 9:30am Breakfast
9:30 – 11:00 – Circle
11:00 – 3:00 Day ceremony with Grandmother Forest Medicine
4:00 – 5:30 Supper
July 28th:
7:00 – 8:00 am Movement
8:00 – 9:00 am Breakfast
9:00 – 12:00 Integration Circle and closing Ceremony
12;00 – 1:00 Lunch
Sarah Salter Kelly is a Spiritual Teacher with a rich education in energy healing and hands-on practice. Her training is sourced in lived experiences – particularly healing from the homicide of her mother and learning to forgive the perpetrator – as well as thirty years of studying energy medicine, shamanism, restorative justice, and personal growth. She shares an integrated path to lay the foundation for personal transformation and empowerment.
Since 2007, Sarah has run a private clinical practice, created a healing centre, hosted monthly moon gatherings, developed and implemented shamanic training programs, spoken at many conferences, led retreats, and brought groups to Peru to work with indigenous healers. Her primary focus is curating experiences with plant medicine for the healing of the body, mind, and spirit. Most recently, she is the author of her first self-published book – “Trauma as Medicine.”
For those interested in reading her book prior to attending – it is available here: Trauma as Medicine | Sarah Salter Kelly
For more information please visit Sarah’s website here:
Please watch Sarah’s interview with Marianne Williamson here:
About the Leader

Sarah Salter Kelly
Sarah Salter Kelly is a talented healer, teacher, and speaker, utilizing the raw compounded teachings of her life experience, to uplift, empower and guide others. Her wisdom is authentic, embodied and hard won – generated through years of integrating the tragic homicide of her mother and learning to forgive the perpetrator – alongside thirty years of […]
Learn more about Sarah Salter KellyCategory : Plant-Based Medicine