True Prosperity - New Year's Medicine Retreat
With Robin Flynn and Darcy Kopas
December 30, 2024 - January 1, 2025
**This page is for lodging registration ONLY!
Begin the New Year with a
Clear mind – Pure Heart
IN True Prosperity
2 nights | Dec 30-Jan1st, 2025
Tuition and Food costs sliding scale basis of
$333-633.00 CAD paid in CASH to Visionary Hearts
We look forward to hosting you at this transformative end of year event. In this retreat we will be bridging science, spirit and shamanism to radically address the core wound of scarcity within through powerfully uplifting and transformative practice. We will utilize the boundless love and wisdom within the plant spirit ceremonial arts to bring deep and lasting healing and transformation. We will dive into the new science of how consciousness shapes the quantum field of reality, and how we can reprogram our minds and bodies to be in alignment with True Prosperity.
Are you ready to do the inner work of finding a whole new way to meet life?
Do you struggle with feeling in fear of lack?
Is an area of your life continually in lack? Lack of love, connection, health, money, time, inspiration ect.
Do you find financial abundance to be a source of ongoing stress?
Is your health, relationships, and self care struggling because of scarcity?
Do you compromise your health, integrity, heart, or soul in any way to get more money/love/attention?
Are you stuck in a pattern of “shadow” around prosperity that you are ready to fully transform?
The greatest illusion of our time is that of scarcity. This is the shadow of money. This illusion runs as an unconscious program throughout the whole of humanity. It is used to justify the greatest harm and has a profound influence on how humanity perceives ourselves, the earth, and life around us. This core wound is an inner complex and tangled web of beliefs, fears, and shadows that have been passed down from generation to generation. We now have the insights of new science and the powerful tools of shamanism to meet this tangled mess and clean it up! Until we as individuals and as a collective bring the light of consciousness to this wound, our personal lives and earth will not heal.
This is absolutely one of the most essential places of inner healing and self-love that we can transform.
The illusion of scarcity is an assemblage point for how we live our lives, how we shape our culture, how we work with (or destroy) nature.
In this retreat we will call forth the INFINITE RESOURCE that comes from and through Sacred Reciprocity and call True Prosperity back into our lives.
Through this 2 night Heart Ceremony event with one day time Heart Ceremony we will embrace the blessings of true prosperity, radical abundance, and the spiritual power of generosity to:
Clear blocks, old programming, anxiety, and fears related to scarcity
Bring new timelines, visions, and inspirations for our lives and sacred paths of service
Ignite the sacred fire within of Ayni (sacred reciprocity), Llankay (industrious right action), and Saminchay (blessings from the Heart) to fuel greater experiences of embodied True Prosperity
Bless this Sacred Community in Sovereignty and Prosperity
And bring the beauty, joy, love, light, reverence, and fun back into healing and your life!

What is included in this offering?
Three days and two nights of Earth honouring ceremonial
ONE Heart Medicine Ceremony
Sacred Council and Alchemical teachings on True Prosperity.
Group Clearing of the inner programs of scarcity, fear, lack, self harm, and compromise.
Teachings and practices of Planetary healing rituals of the Andes.
Elemental cleansing and blessing rituals including medicine baths for those who request
Guided shamanic journey work to uncover the hidden wisdom of the Mystery Schools that lay sleeping within our DNA.
Organic local delicious food made by our lovely Ohshinnah!!! Each meal nourishes the body, heart, and soul!
Sacred songs, Restorative movement, dance, and Shamanic energy practices
Skilled, experienced, and kind facilitators.
Private mentorship call to prepare for event (if requested)
Integration support through 2 follow-up group zoom calls and individual support where needed.
Full access to beach, cedar hot tub, and sauna.
About the Leader

Robin Flynn and Darcy Kopas
Visionary Hearts Robin Flynn and Darcy Kopas are devoted assistants and advocates for the sacred plant teacher Huachuma (San Pedro.) As holistic mentors, guides, and teachers of the sacred arts and spiritual technology of the Pachakuti Mesa, their work is based in the reverent application of cross cultural shamanism to co-create numinous containers of empowerment, […]
Learn more about Robin Flynn and Darcy KopasCategories : Heart Medicine, Plant-Based Medicine