Angie Mattingly and Nancy Zapolski
Angie Mattingly
Angie Mattingly has a rich background of being a Registered Nurse for over two decades in various fields, to being a Reiki Master and energy worker, running a healing practice for many years, participating with Native people in ceremony for many years, to being one of a small group of people who led transformational programs all over the world in over 10 countries and 5 different languages for the past 2 decades. She was in top management for this company and accountable for over 1,0000 leaders worldwide. Her life is about service. We like to call her the “communication whisperer”. She is an expert in the facilitation of high level conversations in very complex environments.
Angie was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in 2022 and is doing well. This was a life-altering event that set her on a new path. She has now dedicated her life to being in the path of her Soul – empowering women in being in balance as the Divine Feminine.
Nancy Zapolski
Nancy Zapolski is a retired executive in a global company committed to transforming humanity. Nancy was in the role for many decades accountable for 1,000’s of Leaders, initiatives, research and design of programs and much more! Prior to that she had a practice in New York City as a PhD Psychologist. Nancy is pure Love and Light! To be known by Nancy is being at home with yourself. You now know yourself as LOVE.