Danya Buac

Danya draws inspiration from daily visits to her mat and the invaluable knowledge passed on from her own gurus. Her studies in India, Nepal, Canada, and USA lead her path to accreditation as a 500ERYT, RCYT, and RPYT with Yoga Alliance. She pays homage to the deeply rich wisdom of the ancient Hatha Yoga lineage. Danya teaches various styles of embodied movement while incorporating a modern twist of alignment and creative sequencing. Danya teaches through a lens of trauma informed teachings and conscious communication weaving the yogic path with sacred sound and elemental ritual. Danya’s offerings are invitations to promote a deeper connection to Self and the inner cosmic hum.

Danya was inspired to create Wild Song Yoga (WSY) from her own journey to healing. Her path lead her through many doors including living in the forest, embodiment practices, plant medicine, studying ancient scriptures, and finding unique ways to connect with Spirit. WSY is her cultivation of all these practices. Each offering created through WSY weaves ancient knowledge with natural wisdom. Each journey invites practitioners to dig deeper within themselves, to face what’s hidden in the shadows. Through heart-lead experiences, students who practice with Danya agree that the path she offers inspires wellbeing and ignites the light within.

WSY was created to encourage practitioners to step outside their comfort zone. To connect with the wild within and without. To find silence. And within this silence, to connect with their unique heart song. Come join Danya on this path of radical acceptance for who you are, right now, in this everlasting present moment.