Gabriel Keczan

Gabriel Keczan facilitates personal growth with men. He is an Art Therapist and Relational Somatic Counsellor working with couples, individuals and families. His path weaves between the best of Western myth, neuroscience and expressive arts with the regenerative power of deep nature connection and Indigenous wisdom traditions. His focus and gift is creating a grounded, connected space rich in compassion, awareness, safety and humour. He integrates myth, poetry, drumming and movement to keep the group energy alive.

“Strength is part of it. So is vulnerability and weakness. For me this is about initiation, which is always paradoxical. Vulnerability is the new macho. As Brené Brown says, leadership requires one rumbles with vulnerability. I spent a lot of adult life as a seeker and now I am in a phase of giving back. I love helping
people, especially people willing to do their own work. I love guiding others with what I’ve learned. I was so hungry and thirsty for spirituality that about a dozen years ago I went through the fire by completing a 9-year relationship with a Sun Dance arbor which included four years of solo vision fasts as well as four years of Sun Dancing. It’s a beautiful path and also takes work to stay connected with what the elders call Original Instructions: the whispers between your bones and your soul. I’ve been facilitating men’s work and the male mode of feeling for long enough now that I am confident with knowing what incredible transformations are possible. To the Sentinel I am bringing all my medicine so I am all in. At The Sentinel we will co-create a container to hold whatever ails the men who show up, in the deepest sense. Strong enough to hold yet fluid enough to bend to whatever shape necessary to transmute, transform and renew. Heart is the access way to soul. Wholeness is what we are all longing for: freedom and wholeheartedness. The wholeness of the individual is always reinforced by the wholeness of a community or a village. The principle of entrainment states: bodies that heal together heal better/faster. That’s why we need to be men together and access the bone memory of original instructions. To put the solid ground under men who are ready to stand up in their lives and rumble with vulnerable power. We’re all emerging together in this incredible time we live in as men we need to come together to grieve, to tend the soul’s wounds while strengthening the heart and daring each-other to live our fullest dreams.

We need to be both masters of ascent and descent to bring back all the soul-gold and visionary medicine we can so we can act to create a connected world. At Being Men Together we we are creating connected leaders. Heart-centred men willing to act enact their creativity in the world. We need initiation pathways designed to restore the masculine community as a resource for cultural renewal. This is what each of these small offerings connects with, a larger pattern of healing andcco-emergence, as individuals and leaders in our communities, businesses, eco-systems and families.” – Gabriel Keczan, Personal Statement about The Sentinel Retreat Being Men Together, Feb 22-24 2019