Matthew Keleman
Matthew Keleman is the founder of the Sacred Row Mystical Arts Academy. I was born and raised in
Calgary, Alberta and I have been immersed in the transforming culture of this city throughout my life. I
have been a radically creative boy, young man, emerging leader and community builder and this has
fostered unquenchable passions for singing, dancing and story-telling within me. These represent a few
of the key elements that I strive to share with my fellow human beings and Mother Nature alike.
I have a track record of entrepreneurial pursuits in my past, ranging from landscaping to investment
banking and I have spent the better part of my last 6 years facilitating public yoga practices, guiding
meditative explorations, leading singing groups and mentoring several highly committed individuals in
the art of embracing their life experience as a mystical relationship. The result of this work is that I now
find enormous purpose and integrity in my daily interactions within an ever-expanding network of highly
ambitious and creative souls that are choosing to invest in the infrastructure of a vibrant new world.
In founding and navigating the great ship that is Sacred Row, I am consciously intending to provide my
community with a reliable, empowering and eclectic vehicle for transitioning through both personal and
cultural transformations and themes. I am ferociously committed to sharing the gifts that I am
awakening as I walk my own path with others as well to supporting the communal process of
reconnecting with natural medicines, organic relationships and integral responsibilities that are essential
for rejuvenating and sustaining the vitality of both land and life.
It would be my honour to host you for a session, a ceremony or a conversation! I look forward to seeing
you on the road!
May your path be laden with blessings,