Odette Slater

As a teacher of somatics with deep roots as a dancer, as well as a movement, yoga, Pilates and meditation teacher, birthkeeper, performing artist, entrepreneur and physiotherapy assistant, Odette has presented at drumming, athletic and dance conferences; organized community arts events; received support for the creation and performance of her own installations; facilitated blessing way ceremonies usually for emergent moms and babies; and has created and presented sacred sound workshops, with her life partner, Ron Radar Stelting, for over twenty five years. She has also taught at many yoga studios, Pilates studios, physiotherapy clinics and professional dance training programs including Simon Fraser University.

Early in life Odette was cognizant of how our use of language shapes and colours our very being whether it is our own sculpting of words into ideas or the actual culture and language that we are raised in. Just as we develop verbal vocabulary, we all have the capacity to develop movement, rhythmical and musical vocabulary. These languages help us to embody more fully and access states of being that might not be accessible simply through the words of our mother tongue or other learned verbal languages.

Plant medicine has woven its way lightly through Odetteā€™s life since 1981 but dance, hand drumming, vocal work, the Vedas, gardening, seed saving, herbalism, and home birth have been the potent medicines and the powerful threads of weaving together or releasing the fragments of injuries, accidents and other deeply rooted wounded bits. Odette sees each individual as a powerful tapestry. As the divine feminine is emerging in this world, so must the divine masculine to create unparalleled balance, rigour, ease and harmony in our individual as well as community unfolding.

Odette looks forward to being with you at The Sentinel this summer as we share languages, time, food and so much more.

Odette’s website: www.odetteslater.com