Tanin Shunter

Tanin is a new-earth hiphop artist (Kosmic T), Rites of Passage facilitator, Gene Keys Guide, and practitioner of cross-cultural shamanism. He is a Pachakuti Mesa carrier and has been actively apprenticing within this beauty-way, originating from the heartlands of Peru, for the last 8 years of his life. He has been working with plant spirit medicines for over 7 years, and is deeply honoured to be of service to those seeking greater healing, resource and empowerment through these emissaries of Gaian love. His life and artistry is dedicated to the more beautiful world our heart’s know is possible, and it brings him great honour/joy to support Reanna’s retreats, of which he has been part of for the last 2 years.

Upcoming Programs by Tanin Shunter

Rebirthing The New Earth

Also With Reanna Costa

July 25 - 28, 2024

"We are living in the time that has been foretold by countless prophecies, a time of evolutionary potential and quickening, known as The Great Turning. Every level of consciousness and all sentient beings are in a process of evolutionary transformation. Death and rebirth are everywhere. The pressure is great, the challenge is epic, and we […]