HOMECOMING - A Biodynamic Breathwork and Yoga Retreat
With Clare Kearney and Danielle Hachey
October 6 - 9, 2023
Take a big INHALE and a deep EXHALE… CONNECT to your BREATH and BODY, become PRESENT to this moment, CONNECT with nature and your RESOURCEs. It is time to FEEL, and to HEAL. This 4-day retreat will use The BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System (BBTRS) and supportive yoga practices to support the release of tension within the body, to deeply nourish and bring you back home.
Retreat includes:

~Opening and Closing Circle
~3 BioDynamic Breathwork Ceremonies
~Somatic exercises, ecstatic dance and movement
~Daily Yoga; asana, pranayama, meditation
~Ayurvedic seasonal wisdoms
~Restorative practices – nervous system reset
~Yoga Nidra
~Fire Evening
~Access to integrative bodywork therapies
~Nourishing Meals
~Cedar hot tub and sauna
~Beautiful Kootenay Lake access
~Pre and Post retreat check-ins with facilitators
Tension can present as physical aches, pains, even numbness. Energetic blockages might present as a lack of motivation and vitality, obstacles for moving forward in life, unrealized emotions, or deep lack of connection with self, others or community.
The BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System (BBTRS), works by releasing core tensions within the body, and by relieving ‘stuck’ energy. Participants of this work are supported to complete arrested fight, flight or dissociated/freeze
responses. Conscious connected breath is the main tool of BBTRS, and the somatic- level healing and is further supported by the elements of movement, touch, sound, conscious emotional expression, and meditation. A vital part of this work is accessing a space within the participant that brings a sense of safety and of ease; a sense of being held in the coziest of homes. Thus ‘homecoming’ will take place at the Sentinel Retreat Centre on the majestic Kootenay Lake with the
ever-changing skies, forested land and great mountain-scape. The Maloca will offer the sanctuary for ceremony and practice, nutritious food, luxurious accommodations, cedar wood hot tub, wood-fired sauna, and the cold-dunk tub will all serve as grounding and nourishing resources.
Each day we will take a deep dive into BBTRS, exploring different belts of tension held in the body with a daily breath work ceremony, supported by somatic exercises, dance and vitality conjuring movements, community connection exercise, YOGA, stillness and meditation. Yoga will be woven into the weekend to support the deep BBTRS work that participants will be navigating. The daily restorative yoga practices will delve into the stories and myth of a several Hindu deities to inspire a sense of playfulness and metaphor alongside intelligent sequencing, biomechanics, supportive pranayama (breath
practices), and mantra.
Friday 6th –10:30am – 12pm Opening Circle
Monday 9th –10:30am – 12pm Closing Circle
What this experience will bring?

Body awareness
Connection to others
Emotional integration
Health & well-being
Inner balance
Mental clarity
Nervous system reset
Physical alignment
Spiritual connection
Tools for self-care
By the end of the 4 full days, participants will have had the opportunity to transform old patterns in the physical, emotional and mental bodies, releasing energy no longer needed, and be able to move forward with a sense of purpose, clarity, belonging and peace.
If this retreat is calling to you, it is your time to free trapped tension, and come back HOME; to rest and feel into your body, to the earth, your authentic self, and community. All are welcome and we are so excited to meet you!
Here is more information about BBTRS:
Testimonials from 2022 ‘Homecoming’ Retreat:
“I felt like the wonderful facilitators really knew what they were doing, which allowed me, a teacher, to be the student. I could relax, give up control, and trust that there was a process to which I could surrender.”
“Knowing I can physically release built up energy will stick with me vs. & thinking my way out.”
“The Homecoming workshop had a real sense of flow – the schedule had a balance between different types of activity/intensity/connection. I had enough space and time to myself, but not too much! “
“I feel fulfilled by this experience”
“Learning to breath in this way has been life-changing- I feel truly at peace within myself in a way I haven’t accessed in years. I feel amazing and alive, thank you Clare and Danielle”
“So grateful for these new skills and my new friendship with my breath and body”
Clare and Danielle operate a wellness and yoga community space in the mountains of
Rossland. They LOVE to hold sacred space together and thrive on creating opportunities for authenticity, transformation, healing, and play.
For more information and detailed schedule contact – treatment@madhucollective.com
About the Leaders

Clare Kearney
When administered by a skilled facilitator, Breathwork, has a potential to release the effects of long unresolved patterns, thus supporting the general healing of our physical organism and psyche. Clare is honored to be sharing the BBTRS modality in British Columbia, she has assisted multiple trainings around the world, and serves as a mentor online […]
Learn more about Clare Kearney
Danielle Hachey
Danielle is forever grateful to this practice and lifestyle of yoga, and to the many teachers who have guided her on this journey for the past 15 years. Danielle came to yoga to help heal and realign her body and to feel more connected to the unexplainable and the timeless. She practices and teaches yoga […]
Learn more about Danielle HacheyCategories : Breathwork, Wellness, Yoga