Trauma as Medicine Retreat

With Sarah Salter Kelly

October 13 - 16, 2022

Contact: Sarah Salter Kelly

  • King Room – CAD $1,828.00
  • Twin shared room (per person) – CAD $1,453.00
  • Queen Room – CAD $1,648.00
  • Glamping – CAD $1,363.00

Here is a brief summary of the retreat experience….

Imagine the following: You are standing high on a mountain top, feet planted firmly on the ground, arms

stretched up to greet the heavens, and you are totally connected to Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Spirit.

Everything in your body lives and breathes in alignment with the land around you. You know you are here on purpose, your life is rich with meaning, and all of your experiences have happened for a reason. You are the co-creator of your life and embodying your medicine.


This is the intention of Trauma as Medicine

It is the living act of releasing the shackles of powerlessness found in the wake of grief, trauma or suffering and

choosing to do the work required to metabolize your pain. Whether this is facing fear, expressing unresolved

emotions, or telling your story – each act removes the sensation of subjugation to the past and opens you to the

power of the present moment. This is where freedom lies. This is where that mountain comes in.

This retreat utilizes land based teachings, circle, shamanic journey, movement, meditation, and ceremony, to

guide you in trusting you have the resources inherent in your own being to heal. With hands-on practices

focused on personal embodiment and self inquiry you will be supported in connecting with your sacred self.

Note that actual mountains are not always included.

Trauma as Medicine is based on two primary philosophies: First, we have come to this planet to learn and all of

our teachings are found in the heart of our experiences. Second, the world around us is an intelligent matrix of

consciousness, which we are a part of, and when we cultivate our relationship with this life force we generate

healing. These two philosophies require a paradigm shift in how we view ourselves and our world, one that

stipulates, the answers we seek are found within.


Tuition costs:  $495.00 Early Bird (before September 21st)  $588.00 (after September 21st)

Food $300.00/person + accommodation options $720-$220/person for 3 nights


Please complete  Sarah’s  Intake Form HERE!


Benefits of this retreat:

Opening your heart to the present moment

Generating self love

Gaining a sense of connection and belonging

Learning to be present in your body and trust your intuition

Experiencing the support and healing a circle generates

Understanding how to be with your life’s greatest challenges, without losing power, or connection to self.

Cultivating purpose


Practices used:

All practices and techniques are taken directly from my book Trauma as Medicine and from years of facilitating

trauma focused workshops. They will include, but are not limited to, meditation, shamanic journey, fire

ceremony, breath work, self inquiry, journal writing and time alone in nature.


General itinerary:


4:30- 5:30pm arrival and get settled

5:30- 6:30pm Supper

7-9 Evening circle


8-9am Breakfast

9-10 – Movement/meditation

10- 12:30 Circle/teachings

12:30 – 1:30 lunch

1:30 – 3:30 Self care time

3:30-5:30 Circle/teachings

5:30-6:30 Supper

7-8:30 Fire ceremony


8-9am Breakfast

9-10 – Movement/meditation

10- 12:30 Circle/teachings

12:30 – 1:30 lunch

1:30 – 3:30 Self care time

3:30-5:30 Circle/teachings

5:30-6:30 Supper


8-9am Breakfast

9-10:00 meditation at your mandala

10:00-12:30 Circle & closing ceremony

12:30-1:30 lunch


For more information please visit Sarah’s website here:

About the Leader

Sarah Salter Kelly

Sarah Salter Kelly is a talented healer, teacher, and speaker, utilizing the raw compounded teachings of her life experience, to uplift, empower and guide others. Her wisdom is authentic, embodied and hard won – generated through years of integrating the tragic homicide of her mother and learning to forgive the perpetrator – alongside thirty years of […]

Learn more about Sarah Salter Kelly

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